Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Easter Weekend House/Dog Sitting with a Sad Ending...

My boyfriends boss Andy went to London with his family for a few days, however his beautiful dog Alfie had to be left behind. Dan had been asked to look after Alfie, but his nephew has really bad asthma so couldn't bring him home. So, Dan and myself stayed in Andy's home for the last 4 days and it is gorgeous! It's strange, as you get older you start to think about how you would want your home to be decorated and look at how others decorate theirs. This house is my ideal home, its just off the motorway, situated by itself, high ceilings, modern but a touch of a farmyard style...if that makes any sense. I love the old brick in the kitchen and the huge round the corner couches.
A real cosy home!

I think I've shown Alfie before in a blog, but here he is...

We decided this weekend to do some baking so we went to the local Morrison's and bought the ingredients for Rainbow Cookies and they were lovely!

We also attempted to make Costa style Chocolate Brownies but they were an epic fail...

Using a Jamie Oliver recipe, on our last day, we made this delicious lasagne to share with the Shaw family, which will hopefully become a homemade recipe we will use more often. I love making homemade meals because you know exactly what is going into your food and the good feeling after making it successfully! 

                                                             And this cheeky chops waiting for a munch ^

Overall, this weekend has been very chilled and I have enjoyed some quality time spent with Dan. Andy does not have Sky or a TV license out of personal choice, so we have had to find things to do which has actually been rather fun and I see why their family choose that lifestyle.

Not the happiest topic to end this blog with but I wanted it to be mentioned. My cat Lulu who has been in our family since she was 9 weeks old died on Saturday 4th April very suddenly. She was 10 years old and has left us all very sad. I grew up with this cat, she moved house with us and dealt with us buying a new cat Millie who is the most active and playful cat, but they have been inseparable over the years. She now has a lovely spot in the garden were she used to sit in the sun and will really be missed. 

Lulu Harris - 14/02/2005 - 04/04/2015

Love J x

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1 comment:

  1. That's very sad news about Lulu. On another note, Alfie sure is a cutie.
