At the end of September 2014 I started my 3rd year of university and attended a lecture based upon trips that we could sign up for that would take place in 2015. There were trips to Denmark, France a few other places that I can't really remember... But one trip that stuck out to me was a trip to Michigan in America.
The lecture was taken by a man named Ed, who told us lots of information about what happens on the trips and mainly, the costs. Regardless of this I signed up for the trip to Michigan at the end of the lecture, however, so did 40 people.
The issue with this however, is that I later found there were only 10 spaces for the trip. After the lecture, my friend Becca and myself met Ed at his office and told him how interested we were in the trip and if he could give us any more information!
The Facts...
- We would fly from Manchester to Chicago (8 hours) on Thursday 16th May and then to fly from Chicago across Lake Michigan to Holland (40 minutes) were we would stay in the Hope College Campus for 17 days.
- Friday we would be taken around the campus by students.
- Monday - Thursday we would be taken to Georgetown Elementary School and have the opportunity to teach or observe the lessons!!!!
- Friday my tutor Ed will arrive and have a seminar with us about how things are going!
- Saturday is a trip to Chicago!
- Sunday we would go to a baseball game!
- Monday - Thursday we would go back to Georgetown Elementary School.
- Friday - Seminar with Ed!
- Saturday another day in Chicago!
- Sunday fly home.
All this information at the time was a lot to absorb but the main point made was about the cost as we are all students.
What do you think about this...
17 days in America, teaching in an elementary school for 8 days, travelling to Chicago, going to baseball game, meeting so many new people and having an amazing experience, I think that £1500 is an amazing price for food, flights, accommodation, travel and everything I've just listed!!!!
But obviously 40 people had shown interest and there were 10 places :(
So from November- December I was on placement in Childwall C.E Primary in Liverpool. This gave the 40 people that had shown interest in the trip a chance to really think about whether they would like to go. Over the Christmas break Ed had emailed everyone asking for grades from placement to be sent to him, this included observation grades and overall marks, which gave me great confidence as my observation grades consisted of 2a's and 1st! Coming back after Christmas I received an email from Ed and it stated...
Hi everyone
I would like to meet with you initially tomorrow to look at several important issues regarding the trip.
At the moment I have 12 people interested in 10 places so I need to explain the costings to you and when payments would need to be paid to check that everyone is OK with that.
I'll then go over the dates and what happens exactly during the trip regarding the placements.
If everyone is OK with that, Sarah and I will look at lesson observations overall initially to help make the final selection.
Sarah has told me that you are free between 1.00 and 4.00 so I would like to meet at 3.30. I am doing Year 2 assessments in the afternoon from 1.00 to 3.00 and am not availible at all in the morning.
Please come to my office initially (Eden 115A last office but one on the left on the corridor past the Partnership Office) at 3.30 and we can then find a room.
really looking forward to seeing you tomorrow
12 people interested, two people to be kicked off the trip...Not a very nice situation at all.
Unfortunately Ed was rushed to hospital when we arrived at his office for the meeting which meant that it was going to be a fair while until anyone knew who was chosen for the trip. Also that Ed was having a suspected heart attack!
6 days later another exciting email...
Hi everyone
This is just to conform that it is only you that I wish to see this afternoon at 3.15 outside my office.
Please be aware that we can only unfortunately send 10 of you so I will be looking at your individual grades in detail.
See you this afternoon
best wishes
Such a nerve wracking email to receive for a trip of a life time.
So, yesterday at 3pm my friend Becca and myself arrived outside Ed's office early to show how ultimately keen we are to go on this trip! 10 of us arrive and Ed informs us that one person has dropped out, woo! 15 minutes go by and the 11th person still hasn't arrived...(I was very happy at this moment). Ed continues on with the meeting and provide us with a sheet of paper stating all the costs and details of the trip which he zooms on through.
10 people are sat around the table, basically the Michigan group is formed...unless there is a good reason for why the 11th person hasn't attended the meeting. Ed then informs us that he will email the 11th person asap asking whether she does wish to go on the trip or not, then emailing us with the results!
And at 9pm I received this lovely email...:)
Hi everyone
Further to our meeting this afternoon I am now delighted to be able to offer you all a definite place on this year's trip.
Could you please mail me back asap to confirm that you accept.
best wishes
Georgetown Elementary School
I'm so excited! This experience really will be once in a lifetime :) Now I just have to save up £1500, oh dear.
This year will be a big adventure for me.
These are three beautiful pictures I took on my way to university at 8am yesterday morning.

Hopefully you found this interesting to read :)
Love J x